Saturday, January 10, 2009

Not so new beginning.

I know it may be a bit belated, but Happy New Year. I never really feel a change, as I don't think any of us do after midnight. I seem to think that only certain years feel different than those prior. Such as the years where you turn a certain age (18 this year for me) or move out and go to college (next year). Beside those obvious things that we can look forward too, we never really know what will happen within a year's time. I can't say a year ago that I could imagine who I am today.

That's what we need new year's day for: a moment to look back at what we have accomplished.

And for the new year I changed my blog title. I'm way too busy to make this a photo blog. That, and I talk too much. The quote is "My favorite thing is to go where I've never been" is from Diane Arbus. She was an American photographer noted for her portraits of people on the fringes of society, such as transvestites, dwarfs, giants, prostitutes and ordinary working class citizens, in unconventional poses and settings.

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